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"Portrait's music and message is new, fresh, and meaningful. The Lord uses them to minister to the whole person with their multi-faceted program. As worship leaders, they display a sensitive spirit that leads others into an encounter with God's truth and spirit. Their excellence, however, is not limited to their musical abilities; God's excellence shines through them."
Pastor David R. Hill, Donelson Church of the Nazarene - Nashville, Tennessee

"It's a joy to recommend Pete and Tina Matteson who present a wonderful musical portrait of Christ and His passion for touching the world. Their gentle musical ministry, their sensitive personal touch, and their devotion to international evangelism will refresh your congregation."
Pastor Robert J. Morgan, Donelson Free Will Baptist Church - Nashville, Tennessee

"Pete and Tina are a delightful couple. Their relationship with God runs deep and true. Their music is professional, fun, and entertaining. But the main reason our church fell in love with them is their music comes from hearts in tune with Jesus Christ, and God is at work in their concerts. We were spiritually blessed and encouraged."
Pastor Stan Love, Shepherd of the Valley Bible Church - Hood River, Oregon

"Tina and Pete had such a sweet spirit of worship. We were all blessed."
Pastor Tom Hoffman, Fairview Loop Baptist Church - Wasilla, Alaska

"Pete and Tina, keep up your great work... What a blessing you brought to all of us, corporately and individually. Your message continues to reverberate in our souls. Your voices blend so well, and the trumpet added to the songs as well as the piano."
Pastor Paul Gysan, Christ the King Lutheran Church, Great Falls, Virginia

"Portrait is truly a portrait of Christ's love. Their message in music is strong, from a heart of love for their Master. We have been blessed!"
Pastor Glenn Taylor, Sawyerwood United Methodist Church - Akron Ohio

"We were pleased with the workshop and the concert. Having the workshop for the congregation helped instill a unified concept of worship, and the concert that followed allowed us to put principle into practice. It helped us to get on the same page and work toward a common objective. Thanks for the practical help and for the spiritual fellowship."
Pastor David Jackson, Putnam Congregational Church - Marietta, Ohio

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